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Sunday, February 15, 2009


I am having more and more people ask me do photography for them. I started yet another blog where you can see a SMALL SAMPLING of some of my work.

Here's the link.....


Susie said...

That's cool! Good luck with that:-)

Debra said...

Sherri, just wondering what photo shop program you use, if you don't mind sharing. I looked at Adobe Photo shop elements 7.0 and it looks like everything I would need. My husband bought me a canon rebel xsi for christmas and I've been having so much fun with it, but still have so much to learn. I'm getting better at scenery pics, but I haven't figured out all the right settings to use for portraits yet.

I checked out your photography blog and love all of your pics!

Debra said...

Sherri, just thought I would share some websites that I found with you, since you are into photography. These sites have photography tips and tutorials etc. and I'm so excited to explore them further. Here they are if you're interested...

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