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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Great Giveaway!!

Ugh.... Don't you hate it when you overindulge with food??

Sure it's fun while you're doing it but later you feel like crap!

I have noticed lately whenever I eat the cereal my kids are eating that I don't feel full so I keep eating more.... UNHEALTHY!!!

I recently became EDUCATED!!

Did you know that Fiber One Cereals actually make you feel full while you are eating them? It's true! I have been eating the Fiber One Original Cereal for about a week now. One serving is just 1/2 cup, but I actually feel full when I eat it! It helps curb my appetite longer and it has 57% of the daily fiber my body needs!

I know that I haven't been eating enough fiber in the past but I am committed to eating better and being healthy. Fiber helps satisfy your hunger so it’s easier to eat less and lose weight without feeling as hungry.

* One serving of Fiber One Original cereal provides more than half (57%) of the Daily Value of fiber.

* Fiber One Original cereal is a tasty way to start your morning on the right track with 0 grams of sugar, 14 grams of fiber, 60 calories and 1 gram of fat per serving.

For more information or additional tips, please visit

Help Take the Hunger out of Dieting


Now for the GIVEAWAY!!!

I am giving away a special Fiber One “Help Take the Hunger out of Dieting” prize pack that includes Fiber One Original cereal, a cereal-on-the-go container, food scale, water bottle and notepad for tracking what you eat.

1- I want to know about some of your worst over-indulgent moments!
2- What do you love to over-indulge on?
3- Share a past diet craze you have tried that left you hungry....
4- What secrets do you have to avoid missteps while dieting/managing your weight?



The products I have reviewed, prize pack, and information were all given to me from Fiber One through MyBlogSpark.


Amy said...

My worst overindulgent moments happen at buffets and holiday parties. Yikes!

Amy said...

I love, love to overindulge on carbs...

Amy said...

A past diet craze that left me sad and very hungry was the cabbage soup diet.

Amy said...

The best way for me to avoid missteps is to not go grocery shopping when hungry.

Erika said...

So my dieting thing that for sure leaves me hungry is skipping lunch. Yeah, I know, not so good. I love to sit down at night and eat,eat,eat. I mean like popcorn, pop, candy, ice cream, all in the same sitting.

Erika said...

If I don't buy it and it's not in the house, then I don't eat it. I agree that if you go to the store hungry, you come home with extra, in my case, junk food.

MamaX5 said...

Leaving a fork in the cake pan and just "sampling" throughout the day. Big NO NO!

Darci said...

First off I would LOVE to win this, I have had a new eating lifestyle for a month now and this goes perfect with it!

Over indulgent moments...OMG do NOT take me to a buffet of any kind...I will blow all my calories for the week in an hour...yeah not cool.

darcibean AT gmail DOT com

Darci said...

I LOVE to over indulge on anything that's unhealthy...but mostly fried foods. I LOVE buffalo wings with bleu cheese!! Oh and Cheese Fries..OMG!

darcibean AT gmail DOT com

Darci said...

I have done the Atkins diet in the past and I swear I NEVER EVER would get full...I could keep eating and eating...

darcibean AT gmail DOT com

Darci said...

As for my secrets to dieting and managing weight...count your calories and watch your sodium. I think watching sodium intake is the hardest part, because it makes you hold on to water...and sodium is in EVERYTHING!!

darcibean AT gmail DOT com

Giant Sis said...

Definitely buffets are my overindulging weakness - so I try to avoid them! Plus, the food is usually quantity over QUALITY!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

I love to overindulge on Peanut M&Ms and big chocolate-chip-cookie cakes with icing! Around both, I have no willpower!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

I don't really have any weight management secrets - other than be honest about portion sizes and calories taken in. Sometimes, I get fooled and think I didn't eat much, but when I closely examine my food intake, it was a lot more than I chose to remember!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

I think any diet craze I've tried has left me hungry - from the mere MENTION of the word "diet", I feel like I'm never going to get enough to eat!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

LJD said...

I work part time as a waitress, and my most over-indulged moment is during my breaks between shifts on a double. I always order an appetizer AND an entree, figuring that it's my only meal of the day. But restaurant food is so unhealthy!

LJD said...

I love to over-indulge on savory foods and fried appetizers. Cheeseticks, chili fries, artichoke dip, chicken tenders slathered in sauce, etc. Ugh, so unhealthy in excess!

LJD said...

A past craze that left me hungry was trying to simply reduce the volume of what I ate at a time when I wasn't willing to make healthy choices. A proper portion of grilled chicken breast, steamed veggies, and a roll will stave off hunger a lot longer than the same weight of pizza rolls!

LJD said...

The best tip I have is to not constantly tell yourself (and especially not others!) that you're dieting. It's not a diet to simply make healthy choices when you eat. That's just being smart! If I tell myself I'm smart, instead of telling myself I'm dieting, I feel better about my choices, and feel less hungry!

Anonymous said...

My worst over-indulgent moments happen when I'm angry, bored, or watching TV, and I mindlessly snack on salty or sweet nutritionless snacks :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love to over-indulge on cashews, chocolate, kettle-cooked potato chips, etc.

Anonymous said...

I often fasted on liquids only when I was an image-obsessed teenager and I was always starving

Anonymous said...

I avoid salt and sugar when I can, drink lots of water, and try to keep track of calories

matt0701 said...

My worst over indulgent moment in the last few months was Endless Shrimp at Red Lobster. I had 4 plates full of shrimp.

mattschmunk at gmail dot com

matt0701 said...

I love to over-indulge on Chinese food, pizza, and seafood.

mattschmunk at gmail dot com

matt0701 said...

We tried the Atkins diet years ago. I was always hungry on that diet, but I lost 15-20 pounds very quickly.

mattschmunk at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I tend to over indugle if we have a date night with dinner and cocktails. For some reason, after a few drinks I always seem to need a second dinner. It's a good thing we don't get to do that too often. :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I love to over-indulge in brownies. I could seriously eat a pan a day.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I tried an egg white diet. I had egg whites for breakfast and lunch. I thought it was good since it's protein, but I got so grossed out I ended up not eating anything. I lasted about 3 days.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My worst overindulgent moments were when i was on a medication that increased my appetite. i would eat a whole bag of potato chips over the course of just ONE day. YIKES!

Kimberly said...

To avoid missteps in dieting, I try not to go too long without eating. If I'm too hungry, I'm more likely to over indulge on a huge, fatty meal.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

in a bad moment i LOVE to overindulge on ben & jerry's oatmeal cookie chunk ice cream. If i have a pint at home i usually have self-control, but once in a while I want to eat it instead of dinner.

Unknown said...

my secret is to not try any of the diet crazes at all. those never work long-term for me. i have to keep my portions in check, remembering my motto of "all things in moderation." I believe that too much restriction leads to overindulging much more often than allowing yourself a small portion of your favorite treat every once in a while, like on a special occasion.

Unknown said...

a past diet craze i tried was for lunch & dinner i to eat only broth-based soups. The overall concept isn't bad since you can get a variety of food groups/nutrients that way and it provides lots of liquid to fill you up. but it didn't last long since i got so sick of soup that i would barely eat much so i was hungry and tired.

Yona Williams said...

My worst over-indulgent moments is around my birthday. I subscribe to these freebie clubs and get tons of meals for free. I get more than one birthday cake. I love going out to eat around my birthday. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said...

I love to over-indulge in desserts and ice cream. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said...

I tried the Master Cleanse and lost about 8 to 10 pounds, but lost 21 all together after maintaining a food dairy afterwards. The cleanse was horrible to deal with. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said...

My new thing is My Fitness Pal - a free online food diary that helps you reach your goals. It is a calorie counter, but doesn't restrict what you eat - which is why it has worked for me so far. I LOVE this method. You are given a base # of calories you can eat each day in order to meet your goal. The more you exercise, the more calories you "earn" for the day. Email: yona(at)

Jena said...

I love fiber one! I overindulge on afternoon snacks. Its so bad! I am a student and when I get home from class I need a snack. I have something but still want more and more. Eventually I am not hungry for dinner until its super late in the evening. Its a habit I need to break!

Jena said...

Recently I have been trying a no-carb diet. I am hungry all the time!! So I just eat more protein and veggies but I still never seem to be full.

Jena said...

The best thing that has worked for me, is if I need an afternoon snack, I set ONE thing aside for the snack and make sure to ONLY eat that one thing. Usually it satisfies the hunger enough but doesn't make me so full I am not ready to eat at dinner time.

janetfaye said...

My worst indulgent moments happen when I come into contact with Chocolate, especially if it is Milk Chocolate. I try not to eat it but I usually give in.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I like to over indulge on Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Chip cookies.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

When I was young I did a diet where you ate nothing but a hamburger and plain lettuce for two weeks, I don't remember the name of it.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

My secret is that I plan what I am going to eat. On Saturdays and Sundays I eat anything I want and the rest of the week I eat about 1800 - 2000 calories per day and I fitness walk at a fast pace for at least one hour 6 days per week with Sunday off.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

shirley said...

Holidays is my mishap times

shirley said...

I LOVE Cream Horns, the are my downfall.

shirley said...

Eat once a day was my worse diet.

shirley said...

Best thing I found is if I want something I eat one bite and move along.

degood said...

My worst overindulgent moment happens each year at my friend's thanksgiving dinner. There are way too yummy desserts and even if I take a small piece of each one it is too much!

degood said...

I overindulge on chocolate, salty pretzels and potato chips.

degood said...

I tried a carrot juice diet and it was ridiculous and I only lasted one day on it. I will never drink carrot juice again.

degood said...

My best advice to to fill up on protien first and avoid carbs.

Julie said...

My worst over indulgences is Girl Scout Mint Cookies and the Keebler Fudge Mint cookies-I can eat a box with in one hour

Julie said...

I love to drink water and I drink plenty of it...this helps me to keep

I also make sure I eat breakfast so I don't end up hungry by lunch and do alot of snacking

Julie said...

I love to also over indulge on nachos and cheese with salsa
thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

I love to over indulge on Butterfinger bars, they're too good to resist sometimes :)

ckmd310 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The worst diet that I did was the cabbage diet, I was always, always hungry.

ckmd310 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My worst moment when I ate just too much and overindulged was this past Halloween. I ate so much chocolate :(

Baby Mama said...

I always overinduldge at Thanksgiving.

Baby Mama said...

My favorite food to overeat is dessert

Baby Mama said...

I went on HCG and was starving!

Baby Mama said...

I try and drink a lot of water before meals to stop overeating.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Well, one of my most indulgent moments was the time I decided to make homemade trail mix and separate it into lots of little baggies to have healthy snacks for the next few weeks. Doesn't sound over-indulgent yet? Well.... they were all gone by the next day. Yup, I ate them all.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I love to over-indulge on sweet things. I could eat my weight in saltwater taffy.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I decided to try them lemon cleanse with some friends when I was in college. A whole week drinking nothing but spicy lemonade. I broke 2/3 of the way through the first day when I smelled some microwave popcorn.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I've learned to buy snacks in small portions, and keep them out of sight. It also helps to keep fruits and veggies right out in the open, so I don't go hunting around for something to eat.

Lina said...

I think as some other people commented, my worst over-indulgent moments are when I go to buffets. Everything looks so good and I end up over-eating.

Lina said...

I tend to over-indulge on ice cream and chocolate.

Lina said...

I tried a diet in the past where I eat no carbs and I was always hungry no matter what I ate.

Lina said...

It's not a secret but I tend not to buy junk food because if it's in my house, I'll eat it.

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