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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Candy Land Giveaway!!

Candy Land has been redesigned for an even sweeter experience, with fun, new lands to explore and fantastical characters to meet

Travel down the rainbow path on a journey of discovery through enchanted lands filled with sweet surprises around every corner. Create delicious treats at the Cupcake Commons to deliver along the way, participate in a thrilling snowboard race down the Ice Cream Slopes with the Duke of Swirl, take a relaxing train ride through Gummy Hills and climb to the top of Chocolate Mountain. Be sure to make friends with Gramma Gooey, Lord Licorice, Princess Frostine and Princess Lolly of Lollypop Woods throughout your adventure, as you race to meet King Kandy at the grand entrance to the Candy Castle.

I recently had a Candy Land birthday party for my daughter! The kids had lots of fun! They are a bit older than the typical Candy Land player, but I thought it would be fun for them to play the redesigned version!! We had a Candy Land Tournament (the winner was named "The Princess of Candy Land"), a jar full of gumballs for them to guess the number of (180 gumballs fill a pint jar), and we had a large variety of toppings for ice cream sundaes - the girl who made the most creative sundae was named "The Duchase of Swirl". Of course there were balloons, streamers and LOTS of laughs.

Here are a couple videos that I took from the party:

I am so excited that Hasbro through My Blog Spark provided me with the means for such a great party!! Each child got to take home there own game and I was provided with a video camera and gift card to cover party expenses.

And they are allowing me to giveaway a Candy Land game to one of my lucky readers!!

To win:

Leave a comment here telling me of your own memories of Candy Land!

and for a 2nd entry tell me who you will be giving this game to....

Please leave a comment for both entries!

I will randomly select a winner on MY BIRTHDAY! December 16th!!


Mandy said...

That is the game I always think of when I think of my childhood. I still love to play it

Mandy said...

I would give the game to my daughter for Christmas

Heidi said...

My favorite memory is of playing it with my mom because now that I have kids of my own who love it, I realize how much my mom loved me to put up with that game all the time!


Heidi said...

And I would give it to my sweet kiddos. It's one of the few activities they BOTH enjoy, and their game just got pwned by life, so they are currently Candylandless.

Suburban prep said...

With 6 younger siblings there was always someone playing this game.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said...

I would love to give this to one of my nieces.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Marla B said...

We never owned Candy Land-come on-I am the only girl in a family of 5 boys. But I remember playing it...hmmm. I don't even recall when......but I played it when I was young.
We have an (old) version of this game. Its in the camping trailer for bad weather. I need a game for my house! And a new, FREE game would be PERFECT. I always have kids around my house. We would love the game!!
marlaburns8 @ yahoo . com


I can remember playing it with my cousins and now with my own kids.


My 4 yr old daughter will be getting this game if I win.

~The Redhead~ said...

I loved playing candyland as a kid- so much that my parents actually HID it from me. It wasn't until I was older that I found it in a high up drawer that my mom admitted I had driven everyone crazy with the game. They told me I lost it in my messy room... what a trick to get me to clean... and yet the game didnt come back.

I want to give this game to my first graders for rainy day inside play to review colors, taking turns, and counting.

~The Redhead~ said...

OOps, I was supposed to do TWO comments. So I'll say this part again:

I want to give this game to my first graders for rainy day inside play to review colors, taking turns, and counting.

Tomi C said...

Love CandyLand and fave memory is first time we played it with our kids.

Tomi C said...

I'd give this game to my niece who is a mommy to a 1 and 5 yr. old.

tclarkusa at gmail dot com

Erika said...

Okay, I love d playing this game when I was little! But what is neat is watcing Kayleigh play it now and the memoires come back. She, like me, just wants to be the one to draw the Princess Frostine card.

Erika said...

I am sure I would give it to Kayleigh.

Anonymous said...

I still play this game with my clients at the autism society, it's a great way for them to learn colors & counting.

uncashbug6 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to give this to my niece.

uncashbug6 at aol dot com

Boni said...

I loved playing this game at my friends house, I never personally owned one! :( I loved it though!

Boni said...

Ofcourse I'd give this game to my sweet Lucas...Brad and I were already discussing that we wanted to buy it for him. :)

The Frugal Free Gal said...

Oddly enough, I just remember the cool colors on the game and the way the game looked!

The Frugal Free Gal said...

I would save this for my daughter, she is 2 now.

Deanna said...

MY family never owned this game growing up so I would LOVE to play it at friend's houses
deannalw47 @

Deanna said...

I would win this for my 5 nieces and nephews to play together
deannalw47 @

Unknown said...

My most recent memory, is teaching my grandaughter to play. We have the game from when my kids were litte.

Unknown said...

I would wrap this up and give my grandaughter a game of her own to have and play with at her house.

Junk Loving Girl said...

Is it bad that I have never played cnadyland? I would love to win so I can play it!


Junk Loving Girl said...

I would give this to myself LOL and we would play it on game nights.


Chelsey said...

I never played this game as a child, but remember seeing it and wanting to play it. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said...

I would love to give this game to my kids! Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Rebecca said...

I actually never got to play candyland growing up

Rebecca said...

I would love to give this to my daughter for christmas

Rita said...

One of my daughter's favorite games as she was growing up!!
rryan324 at hotmail dot com

Rita said...

I will be giving this to my granddaughter if I win!!
rryan324 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I remember playing this for the first time with my oldest daughter...she was in the hospital getting her ears/tonsils removed (in those days you stayed IN the wasn't day surgery then) and it was sitting on the shelf...we played it the whole time she was in there and I got it for her for Christmas that year...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said...

I wouldn't give it to any one person per se...but my 6 yr. old son, 7 yr. old daughter and my 5 yr. old grand~daughter would share it together...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Anonymous said...

my sister and I would put real candy on every location and when we would go by them we would take a piece. The person who won the game got all the left over candies.

Anonymous said...

I would give the game to my sister!

Ronda said...

I brother and sisters use to play this all the time. Very good memories.

Ronda said...

I would love to give this to my 8 and 5 year old. My older children who are 19, 16 and 13 hd this when they were young and I would love my youngest to have it also. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

A Place For Every-Thing said...

I loved playing Candy Land with my younger sister and letting her win.

A Place For Every-Thing said...

I would give this to my nephew I would love to play it with him.

Unknown said...

I used to play candy land with my younger cousins and shoots and ladders too.
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

i would give this to my nieces
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Giant Sis said...

I remember when I was first married, I used to play CandyLand with the neighbor's little girl. She was about 4 years old, and she could play because she knew her colors! She didn't grasp the rules really, but we still had fun playing!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Giant Sis said...

I would give this to my 5-year-old sister! Then we'd definitely have a fun game to play when I go visit!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said...

I remember the first time I played this game as a kid. It was from a yardsale and all the pieces weren't included so, we made it up as we went :)

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said...

I would give this to Little Girl (my daughter) on her birthday :)

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! I remember playing this game when I was a LITTLE tyke with my brother!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would give this to my niece Sophie - she'd LOVE it
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

star84vu said...

I remember playing this game with my brother. I almost always won!
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com

star84vu said...

I would give this to my son
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com

Unknown said...


I Rem. Playing and only wanting to be the lollipop girl and i hated the mug looking one! lol

Unknown said...

I will be giving this to my family, FOR GAME NIGHT!!

The Frugal Free Gal said...

I remember playing this game at my cousins house because we never had it at our own!
thefrugalfreegal at yahoo dot com

The Frugal Free Gal said...

I would give this to my daughter.
thefrugalfreegal at yahoo dot com

Robyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robyn said...

I remember playing candy land at my first sleepover!
rrgallowaym23 @

Robyn said...

I would keep this for my 5 year old twins!
rrgallowaym23 @

ashleynichole said...

My Grandma and I always played when I was little :)

beckee said...

First-Happy Birthday! I remember playing this with my little sister ALL the time growing up!
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

beckee said...

I would give this to my 4 kids!
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

KM said...

I remember playing this game with my sisters.

KM said...

I'd give the game to my son so we could have family game night.

Anonymous said...

I loved playing candyland with my brothers!

Cakeblast said...

I loved Candyland when I was a child - unfortunately I was an only child and had to play by myself a lot.

Cakeblast said...

My 5yo son River has Dora Candyland on the computer and a Candyland book, but doesn't own the actual game. This would be great for him and his 19-month old brother.

TheTreeHugginMomma said...

I used to love to play candy land with my brothers! We had a blast and I always won -- but I might have been a cheater. LOL

kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com

TheTreeHugginMomma said...

I would give this to my son. He is still a little too small for it, but it won't be long. :)

kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com

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