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Sunday, April 27, 2008

I tried!!!

have a hard time being motivated to go to church - especially when Hottie is at work. But I try and say a little pray on Sunday mornings to help me find the motivation and hope that things go well.
Today I woke and I decided that we were going and said my little prayer....
Church starts at 1PM - I got my shower at 11:30, decided what dress to wear, realized that it needed to be ironed, find my iron (since most of our clothes don't require ironing), iron, get dressed..... Bring the kids church clothes upstairs to get them ready, sit on the floor getting them dressed, stand up - a button pops off my dress, OK, go change, pack the diaper bag, give the kids something to eat, go in the bathroom to do my hair and makeup, the time is now 12:43, come out of the bathroom ---what's that smell??? Little Man barfed all over himself and the floor, wiped it on the wall, and then went a rolled around on Mic's bed...... So I called my in-laws since they are in our ward and they came and got DD so she could go. Then of course I had to scrub the floor, change the bedding, wash the walls, and bath the 2 year old...
I do get at least get points for trying, right????


Andrea said...

Yes, you get points for trying. At least you made the effort, which is more than I can say. Hope everyone is feeling better today.

Sherri said...

Much better!! He has a great gag reflex - I think he just gagged on string cheese.....

Aubrey said...

Hell yeah you get points for trying! Lucky you're not married to Dan, he would have made you go anyway, the Nazi.

Queen Karana said...

The thought that came to mind was "Some days are like that. Even in Australia."

Yes, you definitely get points for trying! At least one kid got to go to church.

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