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Friday, April 25, 2008

Kicking the Habit......

So I removed my ticker that was counting how many days I had gone without soda. I actually went about 3 weeks without ANY and then I have had a few here and there but nothing compared to the 4-5 cans a day I was drinking before. I feel pretty good! At first I really noticed that my jeans were fitting more loosely - but then we got sick and I drank more than I should have and then early this week Hottie was given a case of coke for helping a high school class with some training - that was not good.... Well it was yummy good - but not good for my goal. I have gone today without one!! yeah!!


Queen Karana said...

I think that is a pretty ambitious goal - and I think you are doing great!

Tomorrow is a day with no mistakes in it... so keep trying, and you'll get there! That is, if you are still determined to go soda-free. I don't think I can go completely soda free, but I think I am fairly consistent in only having one a day.

It's hard!

Aubrey said...

Hey, that's awesome! Better to drink a few here and there instead of totally depriving yourself and then binging, right?

Norah said...

Congrats!! We only have sode if we are eating out and even then soda is too sweet now that I've broken the habit.

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

I am battling my desire for diet soda with the knowledge that it isn't doing my health any good, especially when it takes the place of drinking water.

Congrats on the pop-free days!

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