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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thanks for the help!!

I think I am over my writer's block..... thanks to the help of some friends.

Aubrey -- she told me to write about my new paint colors on the outside of my house.
I painted the door red and then Matt painted the trim black. It looks really good except for the fact that now with the nice door and the nice trim the regular house color/old paint job looks bad. One thing at a time. Hopefully in the spring we will be able to put up some new siding - if not a new paint job will defiantly be in the works. I want the main color of the house to be a paper bag brown color. I will post a picture soon!!

Aubrey also suggested that I write about my psycho friend Aubrey. Aubrey really is a great friend. She is the one that introduced me to Pinching Your Pennies - and now that she hasn't been keeping up on her coupons she has been giving them to me. She is always there if I need her! I talk to her on the phone almost everyday - sometimes several times a day. She is really funny and a little scatterbrained!! Love Ya Aubrey......

DesertDiva wanted me to tell her what my favorite home decor store is and what my most recent purchase was. This is hard!! I have to say that my favorite store is Tai Pan - thanks for reminding me that I have to go buy my barn stars before my coupons expire.... Most of my purchases lately have been from yard sales....combined with a can or two of spray paint from Home Depot.

Nicole wanted me to tell you about my psycho from Aubrey...hmmmm I am seeing a pattern here.... And about my psycho friend Nicole. Nicole is a great person. She is so pretty -- I love her hair! I went to get my hair cut and the girl that cut it was also in my neighborhood. I told her that I wanted my hair just like Nicole's. She is a great mom and someone that I truely admire!!

I tell ya. I live in a great place! I am so lucky to have these great friends that I can count on. I have had a bit of a messed up history of friends -- or people that claimed to be my friend and then ended up hurting me beyond words! Matt told me a few weeks ago that he is so happy that I have good friends.... Although I am not totally sure how happy he is about the spray painting that they have me addicted to..... oh well -- at least we are not out tagging fences or walls or anything,

Manic Mariah (a.k.a. Insane Mama) wants me to post about how I met my husband. I will!!! Trust me!!

Marrdy -- she tagged me.... I will post the tag soon!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sherri....I thought I'd pop in...I haven't checked in in awhile. So, do we get pics of your new haircut too????

Glenda said...

Sherri...Love the post! You are the best. We've never met in person, but I can tell that your friends are very lucky to have your friendship! Have a great day!

Nonnas News said...

Looks like you have plenty to write about now! :)

Aubrey said...

HELLO!! We should TOTALLY go tag some houses!!!! I have a couple in mind, too. It would be like our own little self-imposed Home Improvement Underworld club. YES. I mean, say yes. We'll tell our husbands we're out walking. Oh yeah, blog about your VEST. You know, the ONE.

I think it would definitely be awesome if your guys got siding and never had to paint AGAIN. It's be even way MORE awesome if you could get that cool split-cedar shingled-looking siding, but then you'd have to pinch a LOT of pennies and I don't have enough coupons to give you. Or you could win the lottery, then you wouldn't have to pay tithing on it either. I'm so naughty. Encouraging two evil things.

Anonymous said...

I want to see pictures of your house! I think all of your painting projects have turned out wonderful! It's amazing what a little paint will do. Oh and I totally know what you mean about people claiming to be your friends, only to use you and discard you. It's nice when you find genuine friends that stand by you no matter what.
It's always fun to read your posts!

Coco said...

You mentioned looking for fireman decor, HOLY COW! At least here in AZ they had A TON more fireman then they did police. I mean seriously like 5x more. I would seriously go look!

Good Luck!

Aunt Julie said...

Sherri...great post, and long time, no hear! We're running another Pop'rs Giveaway, with a special twist for previous winners. Please come check it out if you have time. In the meantime, I'd like to know your favorite cure for Writer's Block!

Anonymous said...

Great friends are definetly hard to come by!! Im so glad you have good friends!

Nicole said...

Gosh, thanks for saying such nice things about me. I had fun at the park yesterday, I'm going to be sad when this nice weather is over with.

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