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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Compare Prices at Home....

I recently became aware of a fairly new website called which makes finding a product and price shopping a whole lot easier. You simply type in what you're looking for and it brings up a list of stores that carry that product along with the price. For example, one of the hot news toys is the Zhu-Zhu Hampsters (you just watch people are starting to fight over them!) typing Zhu Zhu will brought up this. I typed in my mineral foundation and was able to find it for less than half what I've been paying.

What's great about is it's a search-based online shopping comparison site that has a Q&A forum integrated in each product results page so users can ask other users questions about a particular product and get an answer right away. Most consumers make purchase decisions without getting all the information they need, which is a huge detriment in our current economy. But with users can get all the information they need to buy products and shop for the lowest prices online.

Check them out the next time you're searching for something and it will help you find the best deal available online.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

this looks cool--i'll have to actually try it!

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