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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Migraines for the Princess.......

We had a scary thing happen this past weekend. The princess was hit with a sudden and very painful headache. I took her to the peds office where they told me that they weren't sure but they thought it was possible that she had meningitis or encephalitis. SCARY!! So they sent us to Primary Children's Hospital. Because Matt works as a paramedic we opted to go by ambulance, we knew we could get her there quicker and since he was at work at one of his side jobs in Salt Lake so I wouldn't have to drive there alone and worry about her in the backseat. We were really worried about her.

After a few hours of exams and observation it was decided that she likely had a migraine. She complains of headaches a couple times a week but has never had anything this bad. We will be taking her in for a follow-up with her ped next week.

I have migraines occasionally and they are horrible, I can't imagine what it was like for her. Hopefully we will be able to figure out a plan for dealing with these in the future.


Boni said...

Wow Sherri, that sounds horrible, poor little girl, hopefully you can find a way to help her with this.

Chantel said...

I'm so sorry. I hope she feels better. Let me know if you need anything.

Melissa said...

How scary Sherri! Hey that rhymed! I'm so glad that she is okay!

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