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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Newest Obsession.....

This post has been inspired by Mama's Losin' It

My Newest Obsession.......

Aside from my ongoing obsession............ my husband......... Whom I love more than anything and I very much appreciate all that he does for the kids and I....

Santa delivered a great little gadget for Christmas that has become my new obsession. Wow I never thought that I would be inspired to exercise but this little gem has come through!Thanks to my Wii Fit I have lost 5 pounds in about a week.... I feel better... and I have tons more energy. It's amazing to me that something that seems so much like a game is really a great way to get a workout.

I am improving my posture and balance..... and waking up every morning with a new pain... Pain is good though --- right??? It means it's working....

I have been exercising 30-45 minutes per day.


Queen Karana said...

Wowee! That's really great. I definitely got more exercise when we borrowed my brother's Wii for a week, and we didn't even have Wii Fit!

Keep up the great work! I am so glad to hear that it's keeping you motivated to exercise. Maybe we need one now...

Susie said...

We got a Wii for Christmas but I have got to get my hands on the Wii Fit!! I want to like working out and right now, I don't.

Stephanie said...

I want a Wii Fit Sooo bad!!

Erika said...

How fun! i am jealous! We want a Wii, maybe some day.

Unknown said...

Good for you! I've heard they are a ton of fun :)

Paige said...

Good for you! I am trying to find a
Wii so I can do this too, and am even getting wiialert text messages as to availability and cannot get one pinned down fast enough.

Surely there will be more of them soon

KatBouska said...

Wow! That's awesome!! Keep up the good work!!

Crista said...

I have the Wii sports because it seems that as soon as I can afford the fit no stores in Alaska carry it at that time. I would love to get my hands on it so I can lose some serious pounds.

Found you on mama kats page

Coco said...

Ah, how I love Wii Fit. I got it today and have had a blast. It is too much fun for my own good.

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