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Monday, January 19, 2009

Yes, I think it is an addiction.....

This is a story of television DRAMA -- not a drama story on television.

It all started many many years ago -- I think I was like 12 or 13. Santa was generous that year (like he has been many years) and he brought me my very own TV for my bedroom. And oh did I watch? I love this may explain why up until a couple of weeks ago we had 4 televisions in our house.

Just after Christmas our living room decided to no longer have sound. So it was disposed of and I moved the TV from our bedroom to the living room until we could get a new TV. Then I moved the TV (the one I have had since I was a teenager) from the kitchen to our bedroom. I decided that for a couple of weeks I could go without the TV in the kitchen but I couldn't live without the one in the bedroom (I fall asleep watching TV when Matt isn't home).

Then the day arrived --- last week after an ordeal with RC Willey and then a trip to Best Buy the new TV, a beautiful 32" Plasma joined our family. Finally all the TV's could go back to their assigned spaces and life could be wonderful again.....

Yeah - that is until I put the bedroom TV on the couch while I hooked up the new living room TV - and Jagr (Yawger), the furry black four legged family member, jumped on the couch and threw the tv off balance and it hit the floor. I cringed and picked it up, it was rattling inside. I went about the business of hooking up the new TV while in the back of my mind hoping that the other TV would be fine. No such luck.

We are now a 3 Television household. I still have the kitchen TV in the bedroom, but I am not sure how long that will last -- I can't seem to clean my kitchen without watching my shows... Hey at least I TRY to be productive while I watch tv, right?

BUT this story does not end here. After only 4 days the beautiful plasma TV had to return to Best Buy. Do you know what a PIA it is to pack up a 32" TV? It has ben replaced by an LCD TV that is working properly and that I actually think I like more!

If you are wondering the 3rd TV is in the playroom.


Deb said...

Oh, we are so that way at our house too! The kids have tvs and dvd players in their rooms. We have a tv and dvd player and the wii in the family room (which is currently acting as our bedroom). The bigscreen needs a new something which it will get as soon as the media room gets emptied of my craft stuff, cleaned, and painted.

I should say that my kids do have limited tv time most days. However, it sure is nice to send them to their rooms with a movie when I need a break!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we're not the only ones with a necessary 3 TVs in our house. I'm thinking, you said productivity increases with one in the kitchen...maybe Tommy could get me one for the bathroom...I HATE cleaning the bathrooms! I'll have to look into that!

Aubrey said...

Ha HA!! I've wanted a TV in the bathroom too! So I can watch movies while in the tub. Dead serious. We only have one TV and watch it way too much, but I will be able to see it from the kitchen, so does that count for dual-room usage?

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way....I have 3 tvs in my house.....and its just me and Z. When Z is older I'll put another one in his room too....yes, we're addicted too!

Queen Karana said...

We have a large-ish floor-model-cabinet (what are those things called?) that we would like to find a new home for. I am certain that it is not ready for the digital switchover - so it needs a box unless you have DirecTV or something like that...
... but I am fairly certain that my DH would sell it for a very good price.
Just let me know if you are interested.

Anonymous said...

I think we are kindred spirits. I love having a TV in the Kitchen/Dinning room I clean better after dinner. I even plan clean up some times around it. I fold laundry at the table. Sew there, cut out projects. We need to get a new TV because of the changes coming in Feb. The kids can have one of the Old ones for their playstation.

Have a Great Weekend!

Marrdy said...

I too have to fall asleep with the TV on. Have passed this onto my kids. I think you should just go buy another TV for the Kitchen. Sorry about your Christmas sad.

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