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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just a Quick Review

Here is a review of some things that we did this week and a craft project ala spray paint.

Micayla was very happy to start back to school this week after having 2 weeks off for Christmas. Everyday over the break she asked why she couldn't go to school. She is doing really well and turning into a good little reader.

Tuesday was the first day of our neighborhood produce co-op. We have a sweet lady in our neighborhood that got this started and I am VERY excited about it. We got lots of stuff for just $20. We got about 16 bananas (not exactly sure how many since the little man is half monkey and ate a few before I counted), 5 Red Onions, 6 Green Peppers, 1 Package of Mushrooms, 2 bunches of celery, 6 oranges, broccoli, a bag FULL of red grapes, a head of cauliflower, and about a dozen Gala Apples. Thank you Diana --- I can't wait for the next one!

Wednesday I made a yummy dinner with some of the veggies. Matt said it was too healthy. But it was really good. I just cubed a round steak and sauteed in a little beef broth & seasoned it with some ginger & garlic. When it was cooked to my liking I added the rest of my quart of beef broth & thickened it with a little corn starch. Then I added Green Peppers, Onion & 'Shrooms. We ate with rice.

Thursday -- don't even get me started on the HUGE hassle that I had with RC Willey. I don't think we will EVER shop there again...

Friday -- We got a new TV --- why did I even bother with RC Willey --- THANK YOU BEST BUY.

We had a little bit of a mystery in our driveway on Friday night. We found evidence of a murder.See the outline of Mr. Snow Shovel ---- Don't worry he has been found safe.

Now for the crafty spray paint project.... I helped Santa with this train table. I bought this used coffee table for $15 -- I spray painted it white and then just used acrylic craft paint for the grass & water. I sealed it with a poly-crylic spray. The great thing is that the table is so sturdy & a nice style that if it survives the terrible 3's and the mass chaos of the playroom -- someday it could be a nice piece of living room furniture -- of course I will resurrect it to it's previous beauty.


Janae said...

The train table looks good, and so does your food! I love food that "is too healthy" but tastes good.

Marrdy said...

What a cute train table. And I think we just may go to that hockey game! Sounds fun.

Kathy said...

That makes the perfect train table!
Good job!

Anonymous said...

Cool train table!! Are the tracks glued together or do the kids make new patterns each time?

Erika said...

That food looks delicious!!

Marrdy said...

I seem to be salking you but I wanted to let you know I gave you an award!

Nana said...

I'm glad to know Mr. Snow shovel is safe and sound. The train table is really cute. Santa may hire you on permanent.

Glenda said...

You are so talented!

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