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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

AAHHHH Hives again!

Mic is still battling her hives. It's been going on for a week now. Poor thing. She is now on a steroid for a couple of days to see if that helps. Initally it was thought that she was allergic to Prevacid, even though she had been on it as a newborn with no problems. Now we are not sure what is causing them. Today I am deep cleaning the playroom. I have washed the toys, laundered the stuffed/soft toys, I threw some things out, washed the walls, vacuumed... now all I have left is to clean the ceiling fan and posibly shampoo the carpet tonight before I go to bed.

Oh - and now on top of her issues...C-Man's nose is runny AGAIN!!!!


Queen Karana said...

Oh my goodness! I thought I was "up to date" on your blog, but somehow I have missed coming here for something like a week! OOPS!

I am so sorry your kids are sick. That is no fun. My 5-year old is feeling yucky today. I really want her to feel better for Valentine's Day tomorrow (they are having a pajama party at preschool), but I have a feeling she might have to stay home with me. Poor thing!

I love your homework photos. The firetruck reflection is cool, but I really like the "shapes" one. You are doing great! Oh, are you cropping your photos before you put them up here/get them printed.. or did you really fill the frame that way when you shot the picture? (Do you know what I mean???? :) )

Sherri said...

I have been cropping... Not too much though. The tire one and the shape one - other than the framing I didn't do anything to. I am trying to not do very much editing - although...that's one of the HUGE benefits of digital photos.

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