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Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa's Workshop

Are you busily working getting ready for Christmas?
Only slightly..... I think I am almost ready - except for the wrapping.

Are you building/making anything in your own Santa's Workshop?
I wanted to get a train table for my kids. I thought that I had bought one from someone and then they turned around and sold it to someone else. So I went with Plan B..... I bought a used coffee table for $15 then I spray painted it white and then painted some green for grass and blue for water on it. Then I sprayed it will a clear gloss sealer. It looks pretty good. It's a nice table anyway so IF it survives the train years I can easily repaint it to be used as furniture. I wish I would have taken a picture of it while it was in the carport but I forgot -- I had to hurry and bring it in to the storage room while no one was watching and before the storm hits.

How late do you usually stay up on Christmas Eve?
I have heard that some mom's never go to sleep. I try to get as much wrapped as possible before hand. Last year I think we were up until about midnight putting together a small trampoline thing. This year I plan on being in bed early .

How many presents do your kids get from you and Santa?
My kids are getting 6 individual gifts, 2 combined gifts and then a few things in their stockings.

Are you still in search of a gift?
Matt and I still have to shop for us, but we pretty much know what we are going to get.

What is the gift that you are most excited about giving this year?
We bought our kids both guitars. They are so into musical instruments. I think they will like them! I am also really excited about the family membership I bought for the Dinosaur Park.


Susie said...

All of my gifts are purchased and will be wrapped this weekend. Next weekend is our family's celebration so, everything has to be ready early.

Anonymous said...

This year we set a goal to be done shopping by the 1st of Dec. I did get the kids shopping done by that, but still have a few things to do for my family.

Hopefully I'll get my teepee done for Christmas morning...I kepp saying that, yet I haven't picked it up again.

I used to stay up very late when it was just Maddie and I, but now Tommy and I keep all the kids stuff at my mom's house and we wrap them there a few days before.

The thing I think the boys will like the most this year is the dress up box. I bought some costumes on sale after Halloween, so now they can dress up like what ever super hero they want to be each day.

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