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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Each Life that Touches Ours for Good...."

I found this poem on another website. I think that it very fitting. We are mourning the passing of a wonderful man LDS Propeht Gordon B. Hinckley.... but happy for him and his reunion with his sweet wife.

Prophetic Passing

I imagine he's running to Marjorie now,
Yes, running, not waving his cane.
I see him embracing his father and mother
While they keep repeating his name.

I see him now meeting his forebears,
Brother Brigham and Joseph are there.
Sweet reunion of prophets, united by service
That only such noble men share.

I see him embraced by the Savior
While Father says, "Good and well done.
So faithful in stalwart endurance, I welcome
My noble, most excellent son."

I then hear the ripples of laughter
As he says the reception's just fine,
But he hopes that he'll get an assignment or two
Since there's no need to waste any time.

I can hear his clear voice in the stillness
At the close of this sweet Sabbath day,
Have faith and move forward - there's work to be done.
President Hinckley would want it that way.

Anna M. Molgard

January 27, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

Things I have been thinking about....and some I forgot about

I forgot to post the final score of the Guns & Hoses Hockey Game.
Congrats Miss Utah Jill Stevens. Even though she did not win Miss America - she won the "America's Vote", which really says something. The people who voted for here know what a true "It Girl" and "Miss America" is. I guess the judges just didn't appreciate her realness, natural beauty, and modesty.
Micayla sucked all the ink out of a marker at school today. I went to pick her up and her mouth was so gross!!! We got it all off - except there is a little on her lips that we couldn't get off. Hopefully it will come off before her dentist appointment in the morning.

More Photos

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Assignment

I am taking a photography class and my assignment this week is to take photos that follow the rules of composition. The Rule of 3's, Simplify, Leading Lines, Main Subject. I have to bring 3 of my photos to class. Here are a couple that I really like! Since it is Digital photography - we are allowed to manipulate our photos using some sort of photo editing software. I found a cool free - program called Picasa.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tax Rebates

So I have been thinking about these tax rebates that we are "supposed to get" in the spring. What can you do to truly help yourself with this rebate.

Here are some ideas-
1- Save for an emergency
2- Pay down your bills
3- Pay down credit card debt
4- Invest
5- Educate yourself - invest in yourself. Take a community ed class.
6- Pay down your mortgage or invest the money in your home by making an improvement.
7- Give your car some much needed maintenance
8- Buy something worthwhile - if you buy an appliance - go for Energy Star - something good for the environment.
9- Donate. There are many worthwhile causes that you can help support. This one sounds interesting to me -
10- Recharge your batteries - take a 3 day trip somewhere and get some well deserved rest.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Get out and VOTE!!!

If you are a US Citizen over the age of 18 and you take the time to vote for American Idol - you better vote for the President. More people voted in American Idol than for president 4 years ago. How sad is that? Sure American Idol has brought us a couple of great singers but we need more than great singers we need a great president!!

My thought has always been - IF YOU DON'T VOTE - DON'T COMPLAIN!!! Your vote counts!! Utah, for the first time, gets to vote in the Primary Elections - Super Tuesday February 5th - GET OUT AND VOTE!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Taylor Swift

Is it just me or is Taylor Swift a singer that you love to hate or hate to love? She kind of bugs me just because she writes songs that are 18ish - but she's 18 and a great singer. I thought it was funny when Kimberly Williams Paisley introduced her at the CMA's. She talked about how she had been on the "If you check her for ticks you're dead tour" with Brad.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Little kids just don't understand Dave Ramsey

This video is kind of sad. I know we have to teach our kids about using credit wisely - but at 3??? Obviously this little girl has seen SOMEONE use credit cards. Who gave her this toy anyway? If you want to take it away from her so bad - you probably shoul;dn't have given it to her in the first place. Why did they have to make a big deal about it. They didn't have to tell her they were going to trow it away or cut it up.... Sometimes at my house toys "blow away" or get lost. They could have taken the "credit card" away at night - she probably would have forgotten all about it.

Hillshire Farm Deli Wraps

On Monday I got my Bzz Kit for Hillshire Farm Deli Wraps. Not super impressed from the very beginning since the kit only gave me one free coupon and then 10 $1.00 off coupons. I would have hoped for a couple free. Anyway reading through the booklet that came with the kit and it says, "Retail price $3.99" but the coupon has a maximum value of $2.99 - How annoying is that??? I went to Smith's and Albertson's today and they are $3.99 at Smiths and $4.99 at Albies. So I had a choice - use my "free" coupon and pay the difference or wait and hopefully at some point they will go on sale. I decided since these are not something that I would normally buy to wait.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I think that Jill Stevens is awesome! She is such a good role model. She's herself! She has fought for our country! She is part of the team of soldiers that helped the kids in the orphanage in Afghanistan.

I have been watching the show on TLC - Miss America Reality Check. They are trying to make an effort to up the "Miss America persona". Jill, a fellow Kaysvillian, needs your vote!!! Click on the state of Utah and vote! You can vote once per day.


Saturday, January 12, 2008


If you like hockey or even just supporting some good guys raising moeny for a good cause then have I got the game for you!!!

Saturday January 19, 2008 E-Center, West Valley City, Utah.

Apparatus Showcase - 12:30-1:30 E Center Parking Lot - there will be fire trucks, police cars, and helicopters.

GRIZZLIES VS. PHOENIX Games Starts at 7pm

This is the 6th annual Guns N’ Hoses charity hockey game - this year supporting the Huntsman Cancer Foundation! For one low price, you will receive admittance to the Guns N Hoses Charity game as well as the Utah Grizzlies vs. Phoenix game. Plus, a portion of your ticket goes to help ease the suffering of local cancer patients so everyone wins!!

Center Plaza = $16 includes both games
Corner Plaza = $10 includes both games

To Order Tickets, go to

Username = Hoses Password = Grizzlies

Select your seating area

IMPORTANT: Make sure to put the name "Matt Jamieson" in as your Guns & Hoses Contact.

FOR MORE INFORMATION send me an email! Also - if you think this way of ordering is too confusing then let me know and I will help you!

At the game help me cheer for my hottie husband #30 (Goalie) on the "Hoses Team."

Thursday, January 10, 2008

AAHHH Tonight's the last Grey's!!!

I hope the writer's strike ends soon. Desperate Housewives showed it's last episode on Sunday and the Grey's Anatomy last episode airs tonight. I love my shows and I hope they will be on again soon!! So much for February Sweeps.

I really like The Apprentic. This season is the Celebrity version. There are some very talented celbs on there! The Donald split the teams up into men against women - there are only a few of the women that I even know - they aren't current big name women. The men on the other hand - Gene Simmons from KISS - he is a brilliant business man. Also Trace Adkins & Steven Baldwin!! I think the guys are going to kick butt.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Organizing in the new year.

Well, here it is the 9th day of 2008 and I have already fallen behind in my effort to stay on top of house work. I made a spreadsheet with daily tasks and what's for dinner. Oh well - with a sick 2 year old I guess I have an excuse.

Tomorrow's tasks - dust, work on the hall closet, clean off the kitchen table, and Thursday is my business day - gotta pay bills...

Oh yeah! I got in on a new Bzz Agent campaign. It's for the new Hillshire Farms Deli Wraps. That makes me happy :) I love trying the new things that I get from Bzz Agent. Two of the things that I am in campaigns for right now that I am really loving is LypSyl it an all natural beeswax lip balm and of course my $180 Sonicare toothbrush!! If you want to sign up for Bzz Agent send me an mail and I will send you the referral link.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Mic got Candyland for Christmas. I haven't played Candyland for a LLOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG time. Last night we played 3 games - she won all 3 times, which was good---but, we need to keep playing so she can learn to lose. Today I took her for her Kindergartedn check-up. I can't believe how big she is getting. It was the first time that she wanted to sit on the table and not on my lap for her exam. She might be ready to go to Kindergarten - but I AM NOT READY!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Little Man is sick!

Caleb has now had a cold off and on for about 8 weeks. I took him to the doctor again last night and they said he has a sinus infection and most likely strep. Hopefully the antibotics will help and we can get back to normal.... WHAT IS NORMAL? IS THERE SUCH A THING? I think our normal is abnormal in disguise.

I guess one thing that I have learned by taking him to the doctor last night is... how to get in quickly... Fall in the parking lot while carrying your sick 2 year old. I slid on the ice and fell flat on my....son. I fell forward and caught myself with my hand and knee, but then Caleb's head bonked hard. When I got in Caleb was crying and I told them what happened. They got him in QUICK! Turns out his head is ok - except for the boogers!
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