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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A little embarrassing!! But a great homemade cure...

This is a bit embarrassing to write about but I know that I am not the only person in the world that has had this problem. I was talking to my friend Aubrey about it and she dared me to blog about it so here it goes.....

I have had a rash. A very ichy and uncomfortable rash under my boobies.... (hehehe she said boobies..) anyway --- I think it was caused by heat or possibly some medication that I took. I did not want to go to the doctor for it. Instead I did what all of us with this wonderful contraption called the internet would do. I diagnosed myself and set out for a cure. I tried many things... cornstarch, foot cream, cortisone.... you name it! Then I found this stuff called David's Breast Cream yes you read that correctly --- DAVID'S...... I almost bought it until I read that it was like $30 -- although if it worked it would be well worth it!! I read the ingredients.... Lavender, Zinc Oxide - to relieve itch & discomfort, Pure Lanolin (purest United States Pharmacopoeia grade) - to protect the skin, Anti-fungal Boric Acid - to inhibit tinea, yeast and other fungi.....

I decided that this was probably something I could do alone, without David's help. I have some pure lavender oil.... and Zinc Oxide is the main ingredient in diaper rash creams. I mixed up my own concoction of lavender oil, Butt Paste and add a little cornstarch.... violo --- it worked!!!

So now that you are all laughing and wondering why on earth I would actually post this..... I want you to comment with your best home remedy.... or things that you have used lavender oil for.....


Anonymous said...

hahaha....I don't have breast issues because they just aren't big enough to be an issue! Woe is me! I have a friend though that says she puts deodarant under hers to avoid the moisture so she doesn't get that rash.

I buy the baby oil with lavender in it and use it on my legs after I shave...I usually get razor burn really bad if I don't.

Unknown said...

I don't think it was the lavendar that helped your problem - it was probably the zinc. However, the lavendar is a wonderful fragrance.

I have the same "boob" problem you have and I have started using baking soda with tea tree oil. It helps the wetness (that sounded gross!) and odor.

Nonnas News said...

Now Sherri has her own version of Boobie Cream!! LOL

I'm sorry, I dont have any tips or remedies.:(

Susie said...

You should bottle it and sell it on etsy:-) Hee, hee, hee.

As for home remedies, when my daughter got stung by a bee/wasp whatever, he told me to dab it with vinegar. I don't know why but it drew the stinger out and all us ok. Weird, huh?

Deb said...

I'm still laughing over the fact that you said Boobies AND Butt Paste in the same post! :O)

Tiffany said...

Okay, first of all THANK YOU.

Second of all, I think this qualifies as a recipe and we may need to use on the SITS recipe site....

Glenda said...

I'm going to forward this post to some friends/family with similar problems. Thanks for posting!

~The Redhead~ said...

I feel better about myself knowing I'm not the only who has this issues with my bobbies. (hehe I said bobbies..hehe I said it again!)Your tip is great, thanx~!

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