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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rice Cakes & Updates

I was reading online for some ideas of things to do with leftover rice. I always seem to cook too much. And you know if you order Chinese food you always get an abundance of white rice.

I found a great idea! I think this "recipe" goes back to the Depression Era when everything was being rationed.

You simply mix eggs and cold cooked rice. 1 egg for every 3/4 cup of rice. Mix it and pour it on a griddle that has been sprayed with cooking spray - just like you would pancakes. Cook on both sides and top with maple syrup, berries or jam.

I tried this one night for dinner --- yes we like breakfast foods for dinner... It was really good!! The kids CLEANED THEIR PLATES!!!!


I thought I would update you on how Micayla is doing with school. We have 2 days under our belts. The first day we were walking home she was mad because we weren't going to McDonalds with Lexie. Apparently since we went there last week after their orientation meeting we have to go everyday.....NOT!!! Then she started crying for her daddy. She talked to Matt and phone and calmed down - then she laid on the floor exhausted.

Yesterday she did much better. She wanted Lexi to come play but it wasn't a good day for me to have a playdate. I asked her what she did at school and at first the only thing she told me was that they played on the playground. Then I got a little more out of her.

I was talking to a neighbor and she thinks that it takes about 2 weeks for kids to get settled into school. I guess we will see!!!


Janae said...

My Mom makes something similar to those rice cakes. I forgot how tasty they are. Maybe I need to make some, I guess I would have to make some rice first. I am glad your baby is doing well in School. I am sure she is loving all the fun stuff they do!

Deb said...

2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month. Kids adjust so differently. Some kids soak it all in and can tell you everything the first day. Others are still working on getting used to school in October! Don't worry - she'll let you know! :O)

And the whole lying on the floor exhausted thing - I did that too my first day! Only on the bed. And I had a nap. And I'm the teacher! I can only imagine how tired these little ones are when they go home!

Thanks for the rice cake recipe. That sounds super yummy!

Erin said...

Micayla looks so cute. I love the glasses. She will adjust. I think all the stimulation just wears them out a bit. The worst seems to be the first week of 1st grade. Whole day school is so much to take in. I am glad Kindergarten is usually half day to start them out a little easier.

Susie said...

I am sorry that your child didn't have a good first couple days at school. I hope things get better soon.

My youngest had a great first experience. She goes back tomorrow for Day 2. Keep your fingers crossed for us and I'll keep mine crossed for you.

Claremont First Ward said...

It's always so hard when kids have a hard time with starting school, or back up in school.

Thanks for the rice cake idea. I would have never thought of that!

Insane Mama said...

Sounds like a great idea, I have left over rice in the fridge.

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