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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Adoption Story --- Part 3

In case you missed anything:
Part 1
Part 2

Even though we had not been waiting very long the stress of waiting was really taking it's toll. At times we questioned whether or not it was worth it. We discussed the boat...

A hot sunny August day we were on our way down to the Utah Fire Academy. We were stopped for fuel when my cell phone rang. It was the Birth Parent Caseworker from our Agency. I got in the car to talk to her. She told me that there was a baby that she wanted to talk to us about. She told me of a little girl that was due in December. The Birth Mother was divorced and had two little boys, one of which was severely handicapped. She told us about the genetic condition that the Birth Mother, her son, and the unborn baby girl had. She told us that she wanted us to research the disorder, talk to our doctor, and pray about whether or not we wanted to be considered for this baby.

It took me about 20 miles of freeway time before I was able to even talk to Matt about it - I was speechless. I had a strong feeling that this was our baby and that if this was the child that our Heavenly Father had planned for us - there was no way I was going to turn my back on her. Before we even made it home I called the Agency back and told our caseworker that we wanted the Birth Mother to consider us.

When we got home we started researching VelcoCardioFacial Syndrome. Initially we learned that there were 3 main issues that could be attributed to VCFS; heart, palate, and some facial abnormalities. When we dove deeper we found that 1 in every 2,000 people has the chromosomal abnormality of VCFS and that there are were actually 180 different issues that could be resulted from VCFS. We still were not afraid....

But, the weeks started going by and we hadn't heard anything. I started trying to get back to normal - not thinking about this baby every second of every day. Until one day I just couldn't take it anymore. I called our caseworker and left him a message. I told him that I just wondered how Susan was doing, that she was on my mind a lot and I wondered if she had made her decision. I didn't hear back from him, so we just assumed that he had no good news for us.

One evening in October I was co-hosting a Families Supporting Adoption event at our case workers house. Matt was at work. We had made our introductions and every one just started snacking an chatting. Our case worker came and sat by me. Jokingly I told him that I was mad at him because he was avoiding my phone calls. He apologized and told me that in fact he was avoiding me. Susan had made her decision and they were just waiting for her to bring in an announcement letter to give to the family she picked - he said this in a straight mellow tone. Then he told me that she had picked us.

To be continued.......


Missy said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I loved reading your adoption story (um..and everything else you've written, for the last HOUR!). I can't wait to read about your actual first meeting with your darling kiddos! Funny, actually, as I'm a director for a therapeutic foster care agency and so many of our parents end up adopting, which is so wonderful. LDS is a great agency - I have several friends that adopted through them. I SO LOVE a happy story!
Oh, and I'm totally up for frugal Fridays! IF I can figure out Mr. Linky, which shouldn't be too difficult, right?
Can't wait to come back and read more!

Chantel said...

I love it! Can't wait for the next part.

Anonymous said...

Yaaay!!! Oh you are making me cry.....but they are happy tears for you!!!

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