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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Frugal Tip Friday

Frugal Tip Friday --- lets get through the business portion first:

1. Frugal Tip Friday is a great place where we all write a post about living frugal and link them all together here on my blog. It's a great way to get to know other bloggers and connect to others in the blogosphere.

2. Anyone is welcome to join. Just write your post and come here every Friday to leave the link in Mr. Linky at the bottom of each Frugal Tip Friday post.

3. Please mention Frugal Tip Friday in your post and link back here so your readers can find out more about it.

4. Please link to your actual Frugal Tip Friday post. Here is how you link to an individual post if you’ve never done it before: Right click on the date at the bottom of the post you want to link to (or the post title depending on where you blog) click “Copy Shortcut” and then paste it into Mr. Linky.

5. I reserve the right to fix your links. I will remove any links that are objectionable or not talking about living frugal.

6. Please leave a comment here too!!!


My tip for today is about eating out. Eat out less. One of the biggest expenses in our daily lives is eating out — the average person spends over $2,000 a year on eating out. Restaurants are expensive, including fast-food (not to mention the health hazards). It’s much cheaper to cook your own food. Try to formulate a weekly menu, then we buy the groceries, and cook dinner (and lunch) each evening. Lately I’ve even been prepping it in the morning, so it’s a snap in the evening when everyone is hungry. Here is a great meal planning calendar from For grocery/shopping deals visit Pinching Your Pennies.

Now what's your frugal tip for Friday?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips & planning calendar!

Caroline said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog the other day! I like that you are giving frugal tips. We have just started couponing and shopping once a week as opposed to once a month with little shops in between. I'm hoping it will either save us money or we'll break even. We were eating out a lot when we didn't have much food in the house. For the $15 we spent on eating out for just 2 people, I could have crock potted two meals and had leftovers! What rock have I been hiding under?

Kimberly said...

I just found your blog through SITS and I love it! I am moving to UT to teach school in a couple of weeks. How do I get a button link for like you have?

Staci Loalbo said...

DUDE you rock......i will have to come up with something, if anyone it frugal it is MY hubby, for reals.....thanks for stoppin by my site, i think i have been to yours is FABULOUS!!!! i LOVE IT, i am a traitor i guess....i dont think my blogalicious partner would dissagree though!! TOO CUTE

ill be back

Heather said...

Oh, wait!! I missed it. Okay, I'll be back to participate next Friday. Well...I mean, I'll be back ever day but you know what I mean. I can't wait to hear what tips everyone has.

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