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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Job Chart & Learning Time

Well we started the job chart with no problem. I went over it with Micayla on Monday night. On Tuesday morning I went downstairs to shower and I figured that when I came back up I would have to get her started. When I looked in her room she had already made her bed. I was so proud of her! She smiled and asked for her sticker. Then she quickly went through the rest of her list in about 25 minutes - other than "Learning Time" because that requires input and thought on my part. So after naps we worked on writing some letters. I surprised that Caleb was actually interested in learning the letters. I have decided that "Learning Time" is going to be at the kitchen table so hopefully I can work with Caleb too! He needs to talk!!

I want to thank everyone who posted tips on my post about teaching the lower case letters. You all had great ideas!! I love StarFall and I plan to use that a lot. That website actually helps with using the computer too - which is another thing I wanted to get her doing this summer.

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