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Sunday, July 6, 2008

How I got my Wii.......

Yesterday I bought a Wii. At first when they came out I was sure that I would NEVER get one. I didn't want one. Then after a few months of hearing about them I started to change my mind. I think they are a little better than other gaming systems in that with the Wii you actually get up and moving. Alright so I decided that I wanted one....but they are $250.... I put it on my someday list....

Through a post I found on Pinching Your Pennies I found out how I "might" be able to get one from almost free. I went to and I CAREFULLY followed the instructions to the T. I did the required offers on 3/28/08 (then it was 2 - now it is 3) I paid a total of $14.95 for the offers that I did. I canceled them as soon as I could. I waited my time. Made a follow-up phone call to them (on day 51 to have them change my status to approved), sent in my fraud information - ID, W-9, and Notarized Affidavit. And then YESTERDAY - yes about 3 months after I did the offers -- I got a check for $250. Off to GameStop I went and I bought my Wii.

It was a bit of a gamble -- but in the end it paid off!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's really cool!

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly...Momma! What a deal! I have to say I'm always skeptical about that stuff!!! You certainly are diligent.

Now,I hope you can put down the Wii long enough to type out part 9...I've been waiting ever so patiently. (hint hint)

Queen Karana said...

Wow, good job! My check isn't here yet, but I had some major delays. I am hoping that it will all work out without a problem. I'm thinking I'm gonna skip the Wii though. We had fun with it... but...

Hm. Guess that's a story for the blog.

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