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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Frugal Tip Friday 7/18/08

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I have been trying really hard to consolidate my errands -- getting everything done in one day. By doing this I am saving gas money and time. The only problem is that when you are out of your house with your kids so long you all kind of get a little hungry. I am guilty of swinging through Wendy's but even buying things off the value menu add up.

Here's my new idea...... pack a lunch.... I have a small cooler that I could throw a couple sandwiches, fruit and drinks into. We can either eat in the car or a great idea to keep your kids entertained at the grocery store would be to let them eat their lunches in the cart while you shop (make sure you clean the cart thoroughly with Clorox Wipes).

What's your Frugal Tip for Friday?


Nicole said...

Great tip, it could probobly help me loose a few calories also. Hey your probobly sick of my awards, but I have another one for ya, come pick it up!

Deb said...

Love that tip! Something I so need to do!

I posted a tip of sorts over on my blog. More for me than for anything.

Happy Friday!

Aunt Julie said...

Great idea! Here's another one: If you bring your own bags to the grocery store, they'll refund you from 4 to 7 cents a bag, depending upon where you shop!

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