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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hello!! It's Summer!!!

Somebody tell Mother Nature that it is time for summer!! We put up our pool last week and the way the weather reports are going we won't be swimming for AT LEAST another week!!! I know, I know, we need the rain..... but seriously it feels almost sacrilegious to turn the furnace on (if even for a minute) in JUNE!!!! The kids and I did go camping over the past weekend and we got to swim in the pool at the campground - but now we want to swim at home!!


Norah said...

I hear you. I have turned on furnace on and we are having problems with it. I'm so sick and I just want to feel better. I'm ready for the sun to come out and play again.

Nicole said...

I sitting here trying to type with ice cold finger is the middle on June, what is wrong with this picture? Fun first week out of school for the kids, we've just been watching movies. Thanks for the comments!!! I like you new blog design by the way. I don't really get the point of the whole word verification thing. Are they trying to keep out weirdos who can't spell, I can't figure it out.

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