In case you missed anything:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Thursday September 8th, Caleb was 3 days old. Matt had to go to school. Paramedic school was so difficult and they were so strict he couldn’t even get out of class to go pick up the baby so we had to make arrangements with Michelle, the Agency and the hospital to do the “placement” in the evening. We got to the agency at 6 pm. Michelle, her mom, and little Caleb were already there.
We went into our caseworker’s office to wait and wait and wait. We were waiting for Michelle to sign the papers relinquishing her parental rights. Her caseworker came and pulled ours out into the hallway. She told her that Michelle was having a hard time (of course she was) and that Satan was working hard against her, she might not sign the papers. Our caseworker came back in and she told us what was going on and she suggested that we pray. We were both crying. Our caseworker offered a prayer.
Within about 15 minutes Michelle’s caseworker came back. The papers were signed. We followed the caseworkers into another room. In walked Michelle holding little Caleb. He was gorgeous!! She looked so tired. She was in pain both physically and mentally. We talked for a while. She asked if I wanted to hold him. My arms were aching for him. We talked a little more and then she said she wanted Matt to hold him. She said that she needed to see him in his daddy’s arms. Then she held him again for a few minutes. She kissed him goodbye and placed him in my arms. She left crying. It was all over.
This experience that night was one of the most heart wrenching experiences that we have been through. We were so happy and overjoyed while at the same time we felt like the lowest scum on the face of the earth – we had taken this woman’s child. We stayed there for a little while crying. I held Caleb close while Matt loaded us the car with gifts from Michelle and her mom and all the stuff the hospital sends home with new babies.
We got home at about 9:30. We were greeted by two sets of happy grandparents and a very proud big sister.
Caleb was healthy and happy. March 25th 2006 we went to the Temple once again – this time to have Caleb sealed to us for eternity.
The End.
Sorry we have decided that our family is complete….unless some strange turn of events takes place…….

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! What an incredible experience for you, and what a sweet family you have.
Hi, I found your blog and wanted to post a note about congenital heart defects.
My son Jacob is 15 months old now and was born with a heart defect: Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA). We did not know before he was born and he had to be emergency transfered to PCMC. He had open heart surgery at Primary Children's when he was 5 days old.
I am part of a support group called Intermountain Healing Hearts. I do not know if you have seen the posters about our group in the cardiology department when you have been there for appointments. We have over 90 families with children who have various CHD and even some CHD adults in the group!
The group website is:
We also have a Yahoo group for email exchange.
Please let me know if we can be of help to your family in anyway.
Christina Davis
They are both beautiful and I am so glad it all worked out for you. Thank you for sharing your touching story :)
Hi & Thanks for visiting the other day!
Hope all is well and you are having a great day!
HA! You never know! :)
You have a beautiful family though and wonderful stories about how they both came to be yours!!!
What a touching story. I have a special place in my heart for adoption because I myself was adopted when I was 18 months old! You have a lovely family!
OK, I have to come back and read the whole story from start to finish. You are pretty amazing@
What an amazing story! I've enjoyed reading all about your adoptions. You and your family are amazing and I can't wait to get together with you again.
Wow, what a beautiful post. It made me think of that song that has the words from Gods arms, from m arms, too yours. You two are wonderful parents.
What a wonderful story. I have really enjoyed reading it. The struggle of the Caleb's mom was heart wrenching. I could not even imagine doing that. You two seem like wonderful parents and are so grateful for your children.
Thank You so much for sharing your wonderful stories with us.
I have a sister in-law that placed a baby boy with LDS Family Services when she was 16 years old.
She wrote her story to publish it & she let me read it.
She is amazing, the true unselfishness of these women & girls who place there babies amazes me.
They want them to have a better life & I know it has to be the hardest thing they will ever do in there lives.
On the other end of it I have a little brother who just got approved like a week ago through LDS to adopt.
So I have both ends of adoption in my family.
Thank you SO much for sharing your story with me. I LOVE it! CONGRATS
What a wonderful story and he's beautiful. Love the hair!
Your children and adoption stories are beautiful!
Wow! I came over from SITS and just read the entire story! It was wonderful!
Bookmarking you....your blog is great and your children are adorable!
What a wonderful and heart wrenching story. Children are such a blessing no matter how they arrive in your family. Which is hard for me to write as I listen to my middle two yell at each other! :-)
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I'm sure they will help someone who needs to hear them.
I just read all 15 parts of this at my office when I should have been working! What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing!
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