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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The 15-Minute Challenge.....

Inspired by Karen via PYP

I spend too much time blog surfing and not enough time on housework. So I have decided to implement a few 15-Minute Challenges into my days. I am inviting all of you to join with me ---that is unless your house is clean, your kids are fed, your laundry is caught up, you drawers and closets are organized and you already know what you are going to make for dinner tonight....... Set a timer for 15 minutes and see how much you can get done. Come back and tell me what you did.....

Did you set the timer for another 15 minutes? How much more can you accomplish if you try to so it 15 minutes at a time?

Do you think this could work with your kids? Of course it can. I frequently set a timer for Micayla to get her to clean up the playroom faster. She has fun racing the clock. It's amazing what she can do in just a few minutes.


Deb said...

I love the 15 minute timer race. We've implemented it in a few areas this summer and it works like a charm! (Even for lazy old me!)

Jenny said...

ok that sounds like a brilliant idea. However if I tried that at my house, I'll tell you what would happen. The kids would find my timer and break it into pieces, thus ending my 15 minuets of work. Maybe I will try it and see if they will surprise me and actually do it. You just never know.

Susie said...

What a great idea for everyone to try.

I actually all ready do this. I suffer from clinical depression and so sometimes (when depression is winning), I have to break my day down in 15 minute increments. If I can get through the next 15 minutes, I can rest for 15 minutes, etc. It totally works!

Jaime said...

I love this idea!

It's very similar to the Fly Lady! :)

Anonymous said...

I will join with you. Can I cook dinner in 15 minutes? That would be awesome!

Just Lisa said...

What a great idea! I'm up for the challenge!

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