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Monday, August 11, 2008

What do you do to keep your sanity?

This is another post that was inspired by something that I read on PYP.....

Is there something that you do as part of your daily routine to keep your sanity and make yourself feel better about your house/life?

There are people that must keep their sink empty and clean, vaccum the whole house, do the dishes, make your bed, eat chocolate cake, bake, drink a Diet Coke, scripture study......

What do you do?

I would like to say scripture study but....... I can't......

One of the things I do is to put a little Pine Sol in the sink with some really hot water..... it makes my house smell clean. I try to make my bed - I think that happens 3-5 days a week.


Nonnas News said...

Making my bed each day helps me a lot. It just makes the house look so much neater.

Susie said...

My sink has to be empty at all times or I am seriously uncomfortable. This is a direction reaction to my own mother's poor housekeeping.

I also garden and bake. These are my zen places. If all else fails, I tell the family I need to "do my homework" and go meditate. That's my formula for sanity.

Deb said...

Ummmm. . .play on the computer, eat, drink Diet Coke. I'm lame. :O)

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything that I do consistently, other than write.

Oh, wow. I'm such a horrible housewife. Yikes!

Well...I make dinner! And I try to empty the dishwasher once the clean dishes are done. But that's about it...

I need to develop better cleaning habits! If you could see my house...

Unknown said...

I'm not a very good housekeeper, but I do love to bake! I'm working on a batch of peanut butter chip cookies for when the daughter gets home from school. The house smells yummy!

Claremont First Ward said...

I keep my house clean, blog and read. All three need to happen or I feel out of sync!

Anonymous said...

I'm just happy when I can see my living room floor and I'm not tripping all over toys.

I guess though, I hate to go to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes....that and the litter box needs to be clean.

Marrdy said...

I have to perform certain steps each morning. I check the Obituaries in the SL Tribune, (morbid I know but I have done this since I was a teenager)I check the action on KSL, make sure my bank account is still OK and then I blog stalk...for as long as I can.

Jennifer said...

I have to have my "me" time in the evening. Oce I get the little kids to bed, I really look forward to that quiet time where I can watch t.v., knit, blog, whatever--that's what keeps me sane!!

Thank you so much for entering my giveaway! Wishing you lots of luck!

Your kids are gorgeous!!

Insane Mama said...

Pine sol and hot water, that cracks me up. Sometimes when I don't feel like cooking I just sizzle up onions so the house smells like food.

My sanity is Green Tea, can't live without it

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