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Friday, August 8, 2008

Frugal Tip Friday, 8/8/08

Happy 08-08-08!!! Today is the 1st day of the Summer Olympics!!!

Link your your own Frugal Tip Friday post back here and leave a comment here. Keep those tips coming!!!!

My tip of the day is:

Don’t shop on payday. This is when you have the most money. You haven’t paid the bills or put money away for savings. In error, we believe that we have more money at our discretion than we really have. At the end of the shopping trip, we are a few hundred dollars in the hole and a bill goes without being paid.


Nonnas News said...

thats a good tip!! I usually sit down first thing when hubby gets paid and pay my bills using billpay. THEN, I know what I have left to SHOP with!!
Have a good weekend!!

Deb said...

COuldn't agree more! That's the main way we've been working our way out of this hole of debt! (It's just so much more fun to shop when you have all that money in the account!!!)

Aubrey said...


Now it makes sense why I always get us into trouble...screaming "Hello Rabbit Garden!!" once the money hits.

Norah said...

Paydays are evil days in our house. We really need to take this tip to heart.
Here's my tip:

WheresMyAngels said...

lol, I know that one, just have a hard time following it. Maybe you should add that you should leave your debit and check book at home and only take some limited amount of cash with you.

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