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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Desert Flea Market

This post is for all of you that love antiques and hard to find items!!! I have a good friend that I met through Pinching You Pennies that has way nice things for sale on ebay!!! Please go check out her blog --- and then come back and tell me what your favorite antique is - is it something you own???

GO VISIT....... The Desert Flea Market!!!! She's a new blogger --- go give here some love!!!!

Here is my favorite antique..... I really don't know much about them like when they were made or anything but they were my grandma's. She gave them to me a few years ago. They were always in her china hutch. Now I keep them with my china in a rubbermaid tote... you know where all the beautiful things should be kept.....


Queen Karana said...

Those figurines remind me of ones by Hummel. So darling!

Sherri said...

Oh yeah I forgot to post that they are salt & pepper shakers

Marrdy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marrdy said...

Wow, my fingers are working overtime today! I left a message and deleted it.

What I had said was I checked her blog out and it's very cute!

Aunt Julie said...

I'm a flea-marketer myself. Thanks for the tip--she's got a really interesting site! BTW, thanks for coming by and visiting The Great State of Wisconsin today!

WheresMyAngels said...

Ok, mine is a weird one and not sure I can describe it right. My grandmother always had those shelves with figurines. But there was also this little plastic cupid looking figuring that was peeing, yes peeing. And there was this weird shaped thing that has yellow liquid in it. As a child I would play with it watching the liquid go back and forth. It is just the oddest thing, I have seen similar ones on ebay. I always told my grandma that one day it was going to be mine. When she passed a few years ago, of course my mother handed it to me. It is over 55 years old. I think it is so odd that it never broke and that the liquid is still there. Hmmm, later I think I will have to blog about it, cause it is just so hard to discribe.

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