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Friday, August 22, 2008

Dear _______ Store that won't let a child use the restroom,

Dear Stupid Store that will no longer have my business (We shall call you Down East) and your crappy neighbor (whom we will call - Dollar Tree)

I have been a faithful shopper of yours. You have helped me transform my wardrobe from Walmart to a little more stylish. I have always appreciated that you have a few shirts that fit a girl like me. Hell, you even have some pretty cute clothes for little girls.

Oh yeah, back to why I am writing you this letter. Next time someone asks you if you have restroom that a cute little 5 year old, who is crying and doing the pee- pee dance because and I quote - "My pee pee is starting to come out", can use and you say no -- I hope that said little child will just pee all over your floor. Where do you go to the restroom Mr. man that only works in a clothing store so that you can check out all the women? Do you go the strip mall to another store? Do you hold so long that your pee pee almost comes out?

What I should have done was not buy that cute shirt -- I should have just dropped in on the floor as we headed out the door trying to find a compassionate person in an other store that would see that this child was physically in pain because she was trying so hard to hold it.

Which brings me to the your next door neighbor -- the stinky store whose air conditioning was not working and it smelled like antifreeze -- This is the store were the lady that appeared to be nice looked at this child now bent over, with her legs crossed, eyes full of tears and holding herself and told me that there restrooms were for employees only. You sell buckets don't you? Maybe I should have gone and grabbed a bucket off your shelf -- buckets make great make shift potra-pottys FOR EMERGENCIES!!! No but instead I left yelling back at you that I would never shop again at a store where they wouldn't let a little child use the facilities.

Which now brings me to the next store --- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! Were the words that my happy daughter said to the nice lady at JoAnn's that let her use the restroom --- even though the sign said employees only!!!

Oh yeah and --- you may want to call the police about the guy dealing drugs in your parking lot.....

Micayla's Mom


OKGardners said...

You are right! Isn't that ridiculous!!! I had a botched up surgery that left me worse off than your Granddaughter and I have had a few emergencies of my own - a grown woman with many grandchildren. When we need to "GO" ... we can't wait. I have been in physical distress and pain many times and met with the same problem as your granddaughter. That is NO FUN!!! People, have a heart!!


WheresMyAngels said...

Oh don't you hate that. I can actually remember peeing all over a department stores floor when I was little!

Mami Adame said...

Seriously?!! I know it seems childish to say...but don't you wish she would have peed all over their floor, and maybe even splashed a little on their shoes? Glad someone was kind enough that she didn't have to have an accident on herself!

Susie said...

That is ridiculous! I mean, I understand they don't want just anyone (especially that drug dealer) using the bathroom but please!!! Sometimes, I hate people. I hope you stick to your guys and never go in there again!!

Nonnas News said...

I dont blame you at all for being MAD!! I am mad with you!! That is aweful!! They could obviously tell that your child needed to go to the restroom badly! Some people are so rude and inconsiderate.Thanks to the sweet lady who was kind!

Marrdy said...

This is a huge pet peeve of mine. But you did give it a nice humorous twist. Poor Mikyala. Don't you just feel like punching people sometimes? Hooray for Joannes.

Nicole said...

I am still so ticked off about this. I was telling my friend Megan about it this morning and she said they'd pulled the same crap with her. I really do wish she'd have just peed all over their stupid floor, but then poor sweet Mikayla probobly would have been so embarresed. Did you call and complain??? I'm going to right now, JERKS!!!

Aubrey said...

You are a bad ass blogger. You should have let me take her while pervert guy checked you out. I mean, let you buy your shirt.

I still think you should have called the police about our neighborhood dealer (because I'm a chicken), but Nicole said she would.

Insane Mama said...

That makes me sick. Can't they even let a little kid in for a second? Whats wrong with people?

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

I swear that store has a magnet over the door that makes my kids have to instantly go to the bathroom really, really bad. I hate taking them there because I know that when we need the potty break, he have to high tail it all the way down to Big Lots. Seriously, how can they say no to a little girl in distress. They are probably just used to saying no all day long...

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