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Friday, August 1, 2008

Am I the only one?

Am I the only person not running out to get the new Twilight book? Am I the only person who hasn't read any of them? I am the only person that doesn't have a strong desire to read them?

I don't like vampires!! I am THE biggest chicken on the face of the earth --- yes bigger than the San Diego Chicken, The Coronal's Chicken, the Chick-Fil-A Chickens all put together.

OK so I am not the only person...... am I the only female under 40 not reading them??


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. I haven't read it either, and if it wasn't for blogs, I would have never heard of it!

Jaime said...

I haven't read them either, but they are on my "eventually, I'll read them" list.

But no, I'm not rushing out to buy it.

Julie H said...

I'm right there with you in the chicken coop. I think my daughter forgot it came out because she hasn't said anything about it and she loved the other ones.

Just Lisa said...

I haven't read them, either. And like Jaci, I had never even heard of them until I read about them in a blog!

I may ready the first one, to see what the hype is all about. I most likely will not be watching the movie. I can handle a scary book, but I don't like scary movies at all!

WheresMyAngels said...

I didn't even know they were about vampire's until I just read a comment on another blog. I was going to read the series but I have never liked vampire books in the past, so not sure that would change.

I can't remember the name of the lady that wrote all those popular Vampire books, they made a movie out of one with Tom Cruise? I heard she is now a Christian. That made me finally like her.

Deb said...

I really liked the Twilight series and will be picking up the new one when we're in town next. I didn't LOVE love them though, but they were a good read.

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

I read the first one over a year ago and was never compelled into the next books. I still may read them if I can borrow them. Maybe...

Jenny said...

ok I am so not into vampires at all. I have heard some people say they loved them and some said it is just a teenager romance novel. I just don't know what to think about it. I just cant find the time to read. I am always busy doing somthing else.

Queen Karana said...

Have not read them, have no real desire to read them, might read them ventually (you never know), not scared of vampires, yes female, yes under 40.

I don't really think that they are meant to be scary though. Everything I've heard/read seems to indicate more that it is a "romance" type book.

And the author that "wheresmyangels" is referring to is Anne Rice. And I've read all of those vampire books. A few of those are actually scary. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I was told about them months ago and had no desire to read them. But then recently I was pushed to at least read the first one and I loved it! I couldn't put it down. I haven't had time to read the other ones but I plan to. And I have to say that I'm such a fan of vampires now.

Claremont First Ward said...

I held out until a few days ago and then I finally read Twilight. Now I'm a believer. I totally had no desire to read the books but finally caved. I'm now just waiting for New Moon to be available at the library. I'm planning on reading them all.........:)

P.S. Stop by my blog Tuesday (or later) and pick up your award. :)

Nicole said...

Sheri - give em a try! I promise you wont be able to put it down. I'm not a big reader, I couldn't even get into Harry Potter, but I'm embarresed to say, I'm addicted to the twilight series.

Norah said...

I haven't read them and I'm under 40. I have no desire, so far, but everyone I know is pushing the books on me.

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

I'm not reading them either. I am not a fan of vampires. I found your blog on I'll be sure to check back.

Nichole said...

just finished your fantastic adoption story! i have/had similar "bad" finalization frustrations. one day i may get it all out on my blog. for now, i just relish each day i get with MY boys. thanks SO much for sharing.

i have not read the series either. these days, i'd rather be online.

Marrdy said...

I just started Twilight two weeks ago. I resisted as long as I could. Now my good friend is hooked thanks to me. Now I'm almost done with Eclipse..on to Breaking Dawn! (love your and Zander are too cute!!)

Sherri said...

Thank you for all of the posts.... I am happy to see that I am not the only one. I think Matt thinks I should read these books.

Marrdy --- thanks for the comment - but I am not Zander's mom! He is cute though!!!

Kally said...

I had no idea what it was even about. I just knew everyone was reading it. Don't know if I will either.

Erika said...

I haven't read them and don't really want to either.

Jess said...

I haven't read them either. Not really interested although I am beginning to think twice about them after all this hype, only because I LOVE to read.. They're totally not my style though, I prefer historical fiction mostly.
anyway, don't feel bad, I think there are plenty of other things just as fabulous that are more ..... us.....

Maria W. said...

Under 40 and have never heard of the series until the SITS post...

Scary Mommy said...

I just can't get on the wagon either. Glad to hear I'm not the only one-- it's starting to feel that way!!!

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