* Pick 5 Bloggers that you feel are Kick A** Bloggers
* Let em' know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award
* Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to
Kick Ass Blogger Award
* Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on (which you can also get to on the above link)
Got it? Good... Now that we have all that in order, I pass this award on to:
The Musings of a Mom --- because she is so sweet. She has a beautiful old photo of her mom and her kids are so cute with cream puff all over their faces!!
Nonna's News --- because she is inspiring me to create my own Bucket List. Matt will be so proud of me if I do this --- see he's the dreamer and I am the realist. I am challenging myself to create a Bucket list of Dreams..... Oh yeah and go check out her recipe blog.
Park City Girl ---- because I love Park City!! And this girl can quilt!!! Note to self: add quilting to my bucket list..... Oh yeah go check out her music!!!
Jenny --- because she loves Donny Osmond. She's a great friend. She's new to blogging --kind of and she's doing a great job. I need to sing the "Happy Working Song".
Aubrey --- because I really hope that she will enjoy this award with a swear word in it.... hehehe I know she will!!
Thanks so much for the award! I love your blog too!
I love Nonna's blog, too. Ima gonna check out your other awardees right now. Congrats to you, too!
Congrats on your award, you deserve it! :D
Awesome on me, only is it okay if I don't do it til Monday? Cuz remember I have to stick to tradition and be really damn slow.
Thanks so much for passing the award on to me! I've enjoyed getting to know you a bit thru our blogs! I hope you have a great weekend!
Hey, Sherri!
I passed this on to another lady, and she put little hearts over the S's!
I've added it to my blog, so if you want to snag the fixed one, feel free!!
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